

For quality technical translations, it’s always best to turn to the specialists.

We use the latest translation memory technology to guarantee consistency, compliance with preferred terminology and the fastest possible turnaround time.

French, German, Italian and Spanish into English

Intellectual property translations

Intellectual property translations for patent attorneys are our speciality.

We can help you with a full range of IP translations ranging from patent specifications to any kind of procedural document.

We became associate members of the Chartered Institute of Patent Attorneys (CIPA) by making an application supported by five fully qualified existing patent attorney members.

You can get on with other things, safe in the knowledge that your intellectual property translations are being handled by fully qualified, trusted, expert professionals.

Technical PR translations

If you’re a technical PR professional, we provide technical journalism or press release translations.

You can also turn to us if you need to edit English texts written by non-native speakers.

Technical PR calls for very specific vocabulary and total accuracy, both of which Lodestar Translations can provide.

Technical specialisms

We can help you with the translation of texts and documents in the following fields, including:

Chemistry – organic and polymers

Chemical engineering


Mechanical engineering

Biomedical engineering

Alternative energy generation

Semiconductor fabrication

Would you like to enquire about a translation? Any questions about our services?